Sunday 15 March 2015

Free shipping 1080 titanium body mezo roller, mezoroller Alternative Dermaroller

Hello friends. In this post I'm going to talk about a dermaroller which is selling in I paid $ 14.20 for a piece.

I bought it to use on my hair in order to stop hairloss. I was thinking about what is the best dermaroller for hairloss. I stopped my hairloss but it didn't halp me to gain new hair. However if you use minoxidil you will have a change to have new hair folicules.

this product is a totally plastic material. Its needles are metal but I don't know what kind of meterial. I useid it on my scalp and I still alive. So I don't think it is a poisinous materail. I put comparision of needles of real dermaroller and this product. I think its price is really high! Nevertheless I used it without a problem a few times and I intendet to use it few mor times.

I hope this post helped. Please ask any question you want to comment section.

mezoroller from aliexpress
real dermaroller

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