Tuesday 11 August 2015


Hi friends.

Today I would like to talk about Betnovate scalp lotion for the people who suffers from hair loss. As many know, there could be many reason for hair loss, such as seboroic dermatit, male type alopecia, fungi illnesses. If you had has many red areas and itches it means you have a seberoic dermatit. It is one of the worst hair illness. You will suffer from it in lifetime. I am making many researches to find a cure but I failed all the times. Maybe there is an other reason for this illness. I also used fungi ointment. I helped a lot to reduce white shedding skin. However, I still have problems.

A few days ago I went to a pharmacy. I woman who is working there gave ma a scalp lotion. She said if I use it my red areas will disappear, but It will come back!

It is said that the reason of this seboroic dermatit illness is some substances in our blood. I will try to find a solution. It also cause hair loss!

Betnovate was the cure for red areas but it is not permanently. It makes skin thiner. It also cause hair loss so I don't want to use it.

It is your choice. Hope this information helps.
Please add comments about your opinions.

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